Sunday, May 30, 2010

Ode to Melanie Safka

This vintage video inspires us to put on our favorite jumper, rollerskates, and skate past his house all summer long.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

CRV in New York Times Style Section!

One of the jackets from our online shop (Club Revolver Vintage) was featured in the New York Times Style section of the paper on Sunday, May 16!!! Below is what ran in the printed paper on Sunday and you can see the online version at

05/11/style/vintage-clothing.html?ref=fashion#/4be982d8d141b95eb20008f0/. (Sadly, the whole Club Revolver Vintage part was edited-out to make it more "reader contributed" but we're happy for the feature none-the-less!)

Endless thanks to KiKi L'Italien for volunteering her makeup awesomeness (hello, twiggy eyes!), Emily Myers for modeling, Erin Steigerwalt for her gorgeous photography, and everyone else along the way who has dedicated their time, bodies, talent, and vision to our little bizness. We have a whole circle of amazingly talented gal-pals surrounding us! :)

yours in vintage,
Kylee & Dorris

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Grey Gardens in Spring: Channeling Your Inner Recessionista

So, like so many fashionistas out there (and being in DC), how can we not be infatuated by Big Edie, Little Edie, and their endless love of style, song, felines, politics, and grandeur? The women simply embody imagination and lust for life, however crazy and paranoid their psyches. And I ask you, have you ever seen anyone wear a dish towel around their head with such panache? I think not!

I’ve (Kylee here) been a bit of a nerdy freak over Grey Gardens for the past few years and even had the privilege of seeing the play at Studio Theatre a couple of years ago (an utterly fantastic performance by all!!!) Recently, I picked up My Life at Grey Gardens by Lois Wright and have fallen in love all over again with the cat-loving gals.

The walls might’ve been literally falling in around them, but they resourcefully managed to style themselves up and go on. A lesson to all recessionistas far and wide.   

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

2010 spring | summer trunk show in DC!

so psyched to be FINALLY ushering in the warm weather!
what better way to celebrate than ignite our friends' wardobes with some fresh vintage looks?

our first group trunk show is slated for this Sunday right here in the DC area. . . . we are soo excited to woo our stylish friends and friends-of-friends with garments, accessories, veg-friendly snacks, and lowbrow beer and champy!

. . . check back frequently for some pics and updates from the event!

if you are an online CRV follower, do not fret! we will be listing many of these looks asap so that you can partake in the action too :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

CRV FEATURE on QUEENS OF VINTAGE :: Predicting 2010 Trends

we are B E Y O N D excited to announce that we are the cover feature on Queens of Vintage, which is considered the "daily global glossy for vintage lovers" . . . the VOGUE of vintage, if you will!

we were in talks with Queens' Editor in past weeks to put together a special feature in concert with NYC fashion week -- she asked us to forecast trends for 2010 through a special vintage lens -- and we were absolutely inclined to comply.

we spent weeks merchandising, looking at hi and lo culture and trends, and shot some of our fave looks and images, drawing upon our talented friend base with fantastic skills in photography, modeling, design and artistry.

the result: some incredible images for our 2010 Trends Lookbook

Cover, image 1, image 2, image 4 credits:
Styling by Club Revolver Vintage (CRV)
Make-up by KiKi L’Italien
Photography by Erin Steigerwalt
Image 3 credits:
Styling, make-up, & photography by CRV

Sunday, February 7, 2010

as cabin fever sets in . . .

during snowpocalypse 2010 in the greater DC area (add on the fact that it's superbowl sunday!), i found myself googling "Vintage Snow Princess" for fresh sources of visual inspiration for CRV.

lo and behold!! i was plunged directly into a world of VIRTUAL FANTASY DRESS-UP. while my husband dukes it out with his friends in fantasy sports leagues, i can take breaks in my online shopping excursions to indulge myself in mastering the talent of creating ensembles.

for your styling pleasure, i present to you:

Vintage Snow Princess

Outrageous Scene Kid

Ultimate Kimono Design

Korean Vintage Bride

Steampunk Fashion

my personal favorites,

Legendary Swordsman and Be Like Lady GaGa

aaaaand. . .  more amazing gems. hooooo boy!