Wednesday, February 10, 2010

CRV FEATURE on QUEENS OF VINTAGE :: Predicting 2010 Trends

we are B E Y O N D excited to announce that we are the cover feature on Queens of Vintage, which is considered the "daily global glossy for vintage lovers" . . . the VOGUE of vintage, if you will!

we were in talks with Queens' Editor in past weeks to put together a special feature in concert with NYC fashion week -- she asked us to forecast trends for 2010 through a special vintage lens -- and we were absolutely inclined to comply.

we spent weeks merchandising, looking at hi and lo culture and trends, and shot some of our fave looks and images, drawing upon our talented friend base with fantastic skills in photography, modeling, design and artistry.

the result: some incredible images for our 2010 Trends Lookbook

Cover, image 1, image 2, image 4 credits:
Styling by Club Revolver Vintage (CRV)
Make-up by KiKi L’Italien
Photography by Erin Steigerwalt
Image 3 credits:
Styling, make-up, & photography by CRV

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